Saturday, October 16, 2010

Missing and Thankful for List

Top 10 things that I am missing right now, in no particular order:

1. The beautiful changing leaves of autumn.
2. Apple cider, pumpkins, corn mazes.

3. Q'doba
4. My family and friends of course :)
5. My puppies Tucker and Mallie.
6. Church!! And a Christian community.
7. My car, and being able to drive where and when I want.
8. Butler and my DG sisters.
9. Yummy desserts: chocolate chip cookies, apple pie etc...

10. Taking education classes that I enjoy.

Top 10 things that I am thankful for on this trip:

1. Beautiful mountains and volcanoes.
2. Being tested, pushed out of my comfort zone, and growing.
3. Seeing God more clearly and hearing His voice.
4. Good friends and good conversations.
5. My eyes being opened to the world around me.
6. My amazing support network at home.
7. The opportunity to travel to four Latin American countries.
8. All of the immense blessings in my life, and comforts of home.
9. Technology to keep me connected with loved ones.
10. God's word that keeps me joyful and sane.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with the "Things I miss" list. Especially your dogs, I really miss your dogs...
    Oh yeah, and mine too :)
