Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well it's been a little over a week since I have been home. It is a great feeling but also very different. I love being with my family, seeing my friends, and having some alone/relaxing time. I still have one paper to finish that I have been procrastinating on but until then I am home free. It has been interesting trying to adjust back to being home and in the states. I remember getting off the plane and being shocked that people looked like me and I was not being stared at!! One of the things that is the weirdest to adjust to is the prices here. I just can't get out of my mind that many people in Central America live on a dollar a day and when I buy one $20 dollar shirt that is about their monthly wage.

While I'm home I am going to help with Christmas shopping and errands, probably read a lot of books and catch up with friends. This weekend I am heading up to Butler and I am so excited to see everyone there!

Being abroad was definitely an adventure and I learned so much, a lot of it I am still trying to process. I learned a lot about myself and how I handle situations that push me out of my comfort zone. I grew in a lot of areas and I'm really excited to see how that will change my life from now on. From the summer at Kanakuk to being abroad for a semester it is really awesome to see all of the growth and changes in my life. But I'm not ready to stop here. God has so much in store for me and I am eager to see what he has planned for my future.

I want to say a final thanks for everyone who followed my blog and prayed and encouraged me along the way. It really meant a lot.
Now onto the next chapter in my life.

Love always,

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