Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Migration Realization

The past few days from the time we left Guatemala to entering Mexico have made a big impact in my life. I had an “aha” moment when so many global realities hit home. One of the things that has really changing my thinking and caused me to reflect is migration as a whole. Willie’s talk was the first step in opening my eyes to the issue of migration, why it exists, what causes it, and how the US plays such a big role in it. I have to admit a week ago I probably would have argued that people should stop migrating to our country and would be annoyed at undocumented migrants coming in the US to work. After hearing Willie’s story it really changed my perspective on things. He helped me to realize that many people migrate to the US to find refuge from violence and others to find jobs that the free trade agreement along with NAFTA has illuminated. I was really taken aback when Willie talked about how much discrimination and hardship he endured in the United States. He talked about how he didn’t even feel like he was being treated at a human at times and was definitely discriminated because of his race. I knew discrimination existed but I didn’t realize that it was so present in the US. Willie worked so hard to better his life through all of the persecution. He ended up working as a chef and is now back in Guatemala with his own project CAFÉ R.E.D. that will hopefully lead to a successful and meaningful life for him.

I have really begun to realize how much money corrupts and how greed is, in my opinion, one of the root causes of many of the world’s problems. It reminds me of the verse when Jesus says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. When money takes over your life it become the most important thing and some people will stop at nothing to get more. The big corporations in the US and all over the world are generally hurting many people by illuminating “mom and pop” jobs and creating a competition that is almost impossible to compete with. There is such an imbalance of wealth in our world that I had never really realized before. Why is it that so many people are living on a dollar a day, while in the US we would give away or spend a dollar without even thinking about it? How did things get this way and how can it be solved? I realize that one of the root causes is the demand for goods in the US and the power that we have to start factories and corporations that promote cheap labor and horrible working conditions. But it is such a web now, how do we fix it? All of the things that I have been learning are starting to become overwhelming because it is hard to understand how to change those things now. Sure, you could always boycott Wal-Mart, but I have begun to realize that a change needs to come from widespread education and understanding. I really think if people in the US realized all of the horrible things that are going on in the world because of us we would be more willing to give up some of our comforts. I hope that when I go home I will remember everything that I have learned and seen here and find some way to help.

Love always,

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