Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson Plans

For all of the teachers out there and anyone else who is curious. Here are a few lesson plans for first grade in Bluefields, Nicaragua:

7:30 - 8:30 AM
Lengua y Literatura (Language and Literature)

Consonate: J j

Silibas: Ja-Jo-Ji-Ju-Je

Palabras: jefe, jinete, jirafa, Juliana, jugo, joya, jocate, Julio, juego

La joya es de mi mama.
Los pajaritos estan en la jaula.
Lo jirafa es un animal enorme.

Juliana- Ju-lia-na
juego- jue-go
jocote- jo-co-te

The students went to the board and practiced writing and speaking these words.
They said them as a class.
Clapped out the syllables.
Spelled the words.
Practiced pronunciation.
Then at 8:30 they got out their notebooks and did the following exercise.

I. Separe las palabras en silabas.
jugo pajaritos
jirafa Julio

II. Une las silabas y escribe la palabra.
jo te____________
jue ya____________
jine go____________

8:50 - 9:30 AM


English Spanish
go vaya
come ven o venga
jump salta
Spot Mancha (this is capitalized because it is the name of a dog haha)
and y
up arriba
down abajo o debajo

Go, Go, Go.
Come, Spot.
Come and go.
Jump, Jump.
Jump up spot.
Jump up.

The students repeat the words in spanish and english.
They spell the words and count the syllables.
They also do the action that the word says (they loved this part).
They took turns practicing on the board.

Obviously school is very different here but one of the things that really stood out to me was the absence of Children's literature. In all of my education classes we have a very dominant focus on reading to children and including books in lessons and throughout the day. There are no books at Morivian Primary School. I'm sure this is due to a lack of resources but it makes me sad that children are not getting read to at school. The only materials that the teachers and students use are their dry erase and chalk board, and a pencil and paper. The education system is truly blessed in the United States.

I am really getting a dose of the culture here. They take taxis everywhere because no one has cars. I get my own taxi wherever I go and pay 10 cortabas (50 cents). I feel independent but also weary that I am by myself in a cab with some guy I don't know! But I have been fine so far. Thanks again for all of the prayers and love.


(the pictures take forever to upload, sorry there aren't more. I will be putting many on facebook soon!)

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